The “Battery Effect” — We Can Learn To Convert Negative Energy into Valuable Energy

By Debra Thomas from

Debra R. Thomas
4 min readFeb 14, 2022

Let’s begin by finding the similarity between these three individuals and their experiences.

Individual 1:

My daughter is a performer and encounters daily frustrations because of people’s adverse reactions toward her when she experiences “central fatigue”; stemming from her past brain surgeries.

Central fatigue is a form of fatigue associated with changes in the synaptic concentration of neurotransmitters within the central nervous system, which affects exercise performance and muscle function and cannot be explained by peripheral factors that affect muscle function.

It is common for my daughter to participate in a rigorous performance and then sleep continuously for many hours to recover before moving on to the next important event in her life. If she does not sleep to allow brain recovery, she experiences intense anxiety.

When my daughter is confronted by people who attempt to discount her ability to perform due to her central fatigue, she consciously tries to turn their anger and frustrations towards her into helpful energy. She uses what she refers to as a “more power to me” approach when others are negative towards her. She envisions the negative energy directed towards her from others going inside her mind and body and creating a charge within her to fight even more complicated, accomplish more challenging feats, to make a place for herself in the world of performance.

Individual 2:

This individual is a young girl named “Matilda” from a well-known family movie. Matilda discovers her magical powers to move objects with her mind. She determines that she has these powers when her unfit father begins to yell and scream at her. She realizes that she can turn her feelings of anger and frustration towards her Dad into special powers to bring about good for herself, her school, and her teacher.

Individual 3:

My husband experienced negative energy as a football coach when he played against a specific team with consistent un-sportsmanship-like conduct. When playing against this team, it was common for the sprinklers to turn on only the visitor’s side of the field just seconds before a game. The players from this team would hold hands and face away from the visiting team at the start of the game. The players would go in for the kill if they knew a particular player was recovering from an injury.

My husband learned to change his thinking when he coached against this team by preparing himself ahead of time for the trickery. He began to look for three cues to remind himself that his team was about to play against a team that didn’t play by the rules. Each time an occurrence happened, he allowed their actions to give him calm energy — the kind of proactive energy required by a coach to make good calls to win the game.

What is the commonality in the experiences of these three individuals?

These individuals understood the importance of converting negative energy into a new form of positive and productive energy, similar to what happens inside a small battery.

“If you look at a battery, you will see two ends with unique markings — one marked with a (+) for positive and one marked with a (-) for negative. These two spots are called terminals. The electrons created during the electrochemical reaction build up near the negative terminal. So, the electrons must move from the negative terminal to the positive terminal to create and release an electric current (source 1)”.

“Just as the positive end of the battery touches a piece of metal and delivers the electrical current to the load — the bulb (source 2),” we can learn to convert negative energy into positive energy and release a positive electric current in our lives.

“In all fields of electrical engineering, power conversion is the process of converting electric energy from one form to another.” (Source: Wikipedia).

When we can learn to convert negative energy into positive energy, we will release a positive electric current in our lives, increasing our resilience, empowerment, and determination to live our best lives. — Debra —

How can we learn to convert negative energy directed towards us into positive energy in our lives?

We can convert energy through the following process:

  • Identify the type of energy that is coming toward us.
  • Try to understand why this negative energy is being directed toward us.
  • Determine what the possible causes of that negative energy are
  • Determine if you can dissolve negative energy directed toward you
  • If you cannot, decide how you will convert the negative energy to produce energy within your mind and body.
  • Select what type of productive energy you need most to take the next step in your life. Is it calmness, grit, and determination?
  • Envision that you are converting the negative energy into the type of energy you need most at that moment
  • Move forward in your life with your newly converted energy realizing that you are in charge of your thinking and how you receive and convert energy through your thoughts.

Each time you convert energy, you will gain the belief that you can do this again.

You will begin not to fear negative energy but realize that this energy has the potential to be converted into a powerful electric current in your life. - Debra -

For more information go to

Source 1 & 2:



Debra R. Thomas

Debra R. Thomas, Author of “What Sparked The Change In Me?, R.E.D. Door Coaching in Resilience, Empowerment, and Determination of