Debra R. Thomas
3 min readJan 31, 2022


“Leaf” a Lasting Impression

On January 11, 2022, I was outside the double doors of the main building at the school where I work. It was icy cold and windy. The skies were gray. The trees were barren of leaves, and the grass was yellowy-brown. In my mind, I was thinking, “this day might be dismal.”

Looking down, I discovered a beautiful impression of a leaf on the sidewalk. At first, I wondered if it was a charcoal drawing because of the incredible detail of the impression. I was in awe. It had nine intricately designed small leaves branching out from the main stem with deep veins leading out to the very tips of each — what a statement of art made by nature.

On that day, my thoughts began to race as I pondered the many things I could learn from this little leaf. Could it be a small message from God to me? Every one of his creations was designed with great detail. Just this little leaf which fell from a tree and probably had been stomped upon or blown away, had left an immense impression on anyone who might take the time to glance down.

On January 26, 2022, I walked out of the same set of double doors of the main building. It was a beautiful sunny day this time as the students were hurrying about heading to their following classes. I looked down to see if God’s beautiful piece of art could still be seen on the sidewalk, and not only was it there, but the intricate details had become even more apparent.

I knew that leaves could leave an impression, but before this experience, I had never really observed it for myself. I took a second photo. That leaf impression was resilient as it remained on the sidewalk, with probably thousands of feet walking over it daily. It empowered me to realize that each living creation of God was designed with the intent to fill the measure of its worth.

Through rain, wind, and many feet, the impression became more substantial, clearer, and showed greater detail-just as if it was determined to say, “I was a little leaf, and I may have blown away, but I was here once, and I am still making a difference.” I can still bring awe and beauty to the world.

We may not feel like we matter in our lives, but I can guarantee that each of us will leave a lasting impression. It may be by the creations we leave behind us, our personalities shining through our offspring, or the lives we’ve touched for good. Remembering that we will most definitely leave an impression can help us wisely choose our actions and paths. When we move on to the next life, our intricate details will become more apparent with time.

-Debra R. Thomas-

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Debra R. Thomas

Debra R. Thomas, Author of “What Sparked The Change In Me?, R.E.D. Door Coaching in Resilience, Empowerment, and Determination of